• 2023
  • 14
  • Mar

Ques: What is digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in Angioplasty?

Ans: Provides an image of the blood vessels in the brain to detect a problem with blood flow. The procedure involves inserting a catheter (a small, thin tube) into an artery in the leg and passing it up to the blood vessels in the brain.

Ques : What are the risks and complications of DSA?

Ans: DSA is a relatively safe procedure. Complications are rare and may include:
1-Allergy to the contrast medium
2-Bleeding from the puncture site
3-Harmful effects of the contrast medium on other organs (e.g. kidney)

Ques : Why do you need digital subtraction angiography (DSA)?

Ans: DSA is used to diagnose:
1-Abnormal connections between arteries and veins
2-Blood vessel diseases, including obstructive vascular diseases that are caused by blocks or narrowing in the lumen (inside) of arteries and veins
3-Brain aneurysms (especially intracranial aneurysms)
4-Bleeding vessels
It may also be used to: 5-Assess the blood vessel systems of cancerous tumors.
6-Provide a visual guide for interventional procedures such as angioplasty (ballooning) and vessel stenting.

Ques : Who should not undergo digital subtraction angiography (DSA)?

Ans: This procedure may not be suitable if you: 1-Have poor kidney functions
2-Are hypersensitive to the iodinated contrast medium

Recent Successful Case Done

High Risk Neuro DSA+Coilling case done at Kaizen Superspeciality Hospital.
Case Study- 37 Yr/Female was admitted with severe headache with giddiness, MRI brain suggest Left CCA angiogram showed an approx 9.5 x 9 mm aneurysm with ragged margins (most likely the site of rupture) arising from the terminal portion of left ICA. Emergency DSA followed by segment Endovascular Coiling was done. Post of procedure patient was recovering her symptoms, after 3 days patient shifted to ward and patient discharged after 8 days.